Marlène Sjerps

Contemporary Bronze


Marlène Sjerps discovered her love and talent for sculpting at the end of the 1980s. As an autodidact who is not impeded by cultural ballast or other people’s ideas, she developed entirely her own style that still cries out for continued development. Matters resulted in about ten expositions within the gallery circuit in the early 1990s. “Subjectives” was a group of around 25 unique statues ranging from 40 to 180 cm high.

By 1993 she decided to a necessary but self-appointed seven-year break, which was interrupted by a small assignment now and then.

The inevitable reversal came in 2000: a private assignment for a large bronze resulted in “Conception: a Gift of Water”. It was clear that Marlène Sjerps’ break hadn’t done any damage. Conception was more mature, balanced, tranquil and simultaneously more explicit than her previous work. Conceptual thinking had given way to style, distinct lines and a firmer vision.

It is striking that Conception in essence goes back to her very first bronze from 1989 entitled “I Know Who Did It”. It’s as if Sjerps had grabbed himself by the scruff of her neck beforehand in order to start anew. Marlène Sjerps: “I am very curious as to what I will be making in 15 years’ time”.

Marlène Sjerps’ statues are currently being cast at Binder, a prominent bronze foundry in Haarlem, the Netherlands. Binder casts statues for (the heirs of) Mari Andriessen (De Dokwerker), Nic Jonk, Charlotte van Pallandt, Truus Menger, Kees Verkade and Willem Lenssinck, among others.

© 2025 Marlène Sjerps

Thema door Anders Norén